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Top of the G5

David Ubben of the The Athletic touched on the G5 conundrum— what to do when your best is not enough?

This has been related to the complaint of the North Texas fan: what kind of reward should we expect from a 9-4 season? Many NT fans have been disappointed with the New Orleans Bowl opponent — Troy — because of a perceived feeling of superiority over the Sun Belt.

For the upper tier — and that is where North Texas hopes to be within the half-decade — the CFP is seemingly out of reach without a multi-year campaign of consistent improvement like Boise and TCU managed in the BCS era.

Even then, there is not telling if the circumstances will line up perfectly in our favor. Still, the programs (meaning the ADs and the coaches) should prepare their programs as if a 4-year success project is a resume-builder for a CFP berth.

It may be difficult and even unreasonable but if it is there, it can be done. UCF topped out at 12th this year and I cannot help but think that the 0-12 year two years ago played some part in that. Reputations need to be built slowly over time and unfortunately, this is how this system works.

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