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SMU kicks Nevada’s ass

The thing about SMU becoming relevant again is that it means that there is more competition for us Mean Green faithful. Competition of course being a nice way of putting it. We suck.

What disappoints me most is that we had a twenty year window in which to make some headway into the metropolis of bandwagon-dwellers that is the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

As TCU has become increasingly awesome this last decade, I have watched people still not really give a damn. I find it harder to believe that there is a chance for a tight-money school like North Texas to achieve acceptance and an even small part of the love that is reserved for the Blue Star in this area. Hell, we cannot even get Denton to really give a shit about us. *

*I have a theory on this. Maybe I’ll share it sometime. I has to do with resentment of the populace.

To be honest however. I have always silently rooted for SMU. I only manufacture my hate because I only joined this rivalry when I enrolled at North Texas back in 2005. I always root for an underdog and wanted SMU to rise again. So, the traitor part of me is happy that SMU hired my second favorite coach and is making its way back into the college football party.

Nice to see you again Formerly Storied Program. (Please don’t tell my soon to be alma mater)

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