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Have A Drink And A Smirk: 7.26.16

We’ve spent a lot of time hating on ourselves at North Texas. It’s kind of our thing. Being the raging cynic that I am, I kind of enjoy it. It gives me the warm gentle self-hate of a Cubs fan without having to associate myself with Bill Murray and therefore without having to have an opinion on Ghostbusters: Reboot, The Hat Tip.

Wait. I do have an opinion on it:



it was meh1


Okay let us continue.

First Mean Joe:

Mean Joe Greene
Mean Joe Is Your Friend

Thanks, Joe.

Now where were we? Well we are a fractured fan base. I mean, that is what they tell me. I generally disagree with this as we all came together for something cool once.

Whoops. I meant this:

Mean Green Fans at HOD Bowl
Mean Green Fans at HOD Bowl

That, friends, ain’t nuthin’ fractured thats quality mean greenin’. Good times. Good times.

The thing about our great alumni is our ability to make good works for joke time. Only the best jokes. Highest quality jokes. About ourselves and other people. No one is safe from these jokes. Think about it: DFW’s favorite morning’ show is 2/3rds mean and-or green even if one primarily roots for OU. And that is just in keeping with tradition. Again. Not fractured. That’s unity I tell ya. Joe, what do you think?

I think you are right, Adam

Thanks, Joe.

What says 80s-90s NTSU/UNT graduate than wearing a t-shirt from Oklahoma or Texas … or Tech?

Okay, so you love UT? That don’t bother me much 2. / Shania Twain.

What was Eric Capper doing with U of Texas folks? Cheating?


We were unified in our desire to solve the mystery on the MGN Slack. I figure he was spying. That’s it. That’s the ticket. It’s all good. See? Not fractured.

Horsing Around 3

I don’t know if you know this but back in the 90s I was on a famous TV Show.

College was fun. You had fun in college. I had fun in college. It’s great to see kids in college have fun before they get beaten down with #analysis and #recaps, #tweets, and #previews. Some of that is in order.

UNT Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let’s Find Out!

And after, Talking Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let’s Find Out! with Chris Hardwick

I asked Tee Goree if they were running the tennis ball machine drill that Air Raid teams often incorporate. They are.



  1. Seriously if you want to discuss it, join the slack or comment. 
  2. I don’t know why this song has been in my head this week but just go with it. Just go with it. 
  3. Great show 

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